Meet Purple Hayes…

Kristin & Rachel: We're a women owned business, just following our dreams. And, yes, our last name is actually Hayes. Kristin’s nickname from her childhood best friend’s father was “Purple Hayes.” We thought to ourselves…how could we not call our new CBD business that? ;)

We strive to help others explore a new way of living, with health and wellness as a priority. For many years we lived the “rat race” of life. We continued looking for ways to lower our stress levels, while enjoying life a bit more. We found that CBD became that perfect solution in every facet. 

Now for the backstory of how Purple Hayes CBD was born. In 2019, Rachel experienced a life changing event due to a car accident that left her with a mild traumatic brain injury. From the endless nights of sleep and nerve damage in her hands, arms, and feet…it seemed like it was never going end. Rachel decided to try CBD for her ongoing pain and insomnia driven nights, and it has since worked wonders for her! After this, we knew precisely what we wanted to do, and that was…make our own products. We also knew we were looking for premium hemp-derived products and partnered with a manufacturer to bring our vision to life. From there we jumped with both feet in!

Our purpose is to help others find a way to manage pain and enjoy life as much as possible! CBD has changed our lives and we hope it does the same for you. We can’t wait for you to try our products!

~Much love, Kristin & Rachel